British Boxing Board of Control suspends all boxing in January due to coronavirus pandemic

Published: Jan 01, 2022
British Boxing Board of Control suspends all boxing in January due to coronavirus pandemic

The British Boxing Board of Control have suspended boxing in January in response to the coronavirus pandemic. 

They had previously suspended boxing during other waves of the pandemic, and this latest move takes place as Britain experiences record numbers of cases due to the Omicron variant.

Suspending boxing is intended to reduce the demand placed upon medical services. The suspension will hit a number of fights, including Chris Eubank Jr’s fight against Liam Williams, which had been due to take place on January 29.

The board released a statement confirming the decision, with a later review to consider the suspension of activity in February.

"Following advice from the British Boxing Board of Control Medical Panel, Boxing tournaments under the jurisdiction of the BBBofC will be suspended for the month of January," the statement began.

"A further review by the Medical Panel and Stewards will take place prior to the planned recommencement of Boxing in February."

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